糖尿病新闻- 2022年6月


在15种主要死因中, men lead women in all of them except Alzheimer’s disease, which many men don’t live long enough to develop. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, men die five years earlier than women and die at higher rates from three leading causes of death: heart disease, 癌症, 以及意外伤害.

Hosted by Men’s 必威betwat Network since 1992, Men’s 必威betwat Month is dedicated to enriching men’s health and wellness through a broad spectrum of national screening and educational campaigns. The Men’s 必威betwat Network (MHN) reports that men die at higher rates than women from the these 10 causes of death – heart disease, 癌症, 中风, 慢性阻塞性肺疾病, 事故, 肺炎和流感, 糖尿病, 自杀, 肾脏疾病, 还有慢性肝病和肝硬化.

Many of the top 10 causes of death are preventable, and can be treated, if found early. Here is a list of things that you should check for:

心脏必威betwat – Heart disease remains the #1 threat to men’s health.

〇定期检查 Early detection and screening is important. The lifetime risk of developing prostate 癌症 is in 1 in 8 men.

〇检查自己 A monthly self-exam may just save a young man’s life!

检查危险信号 – Erectile dysfunction in young men may be the first warning sign for cardiovascular (heart) disease.

锻炼 -每天锻炼30分钟, 5x a week will help maintain a healthy body weight and lead to better mood, 改进的, 心脏必威betwat.

水合物 – 8 glasses of water a day may keep kidney stones away.

泌尿系统症状 – Frequency, urgency, waking up at night, or a weak stream are signs of an enlarged prostate.  Prostate 癌症 tends not to have symptoms.

吃得好 – Add 1 fruit and vegetable to each meal for clean, healthy eating.

改善男性必威betwat, it’s important to raise awareness about preventive screenings and regular health care for men of all ages.



饮食- betus - our version of recipe of the month just with a healthier tweak

煮起来太热了? 试着用这个食谱来做一顿冷餐.



  • 半杯酸橙汁
  • 1/4杯橄榄油
  • 1茶匙碎红辣椒片
  • 3瓣蒜(剁碎)
  • 1 1/2汤匙蜂蜜
  • 6杯长叶莴苣(切碎)
  • 15盎司黑豆(洗净并沥干水分)
  • 一杯豆薯(去皮切碎)
  • 1罐(15盎司)玉米(沥干并冲洗)
  • 1 red bell pepper (cored, seeded, and diced)
  • 1个成熟的牛油果(去皮切丁)
  • 1/2 cup reduced fat monterey jack cheese


  1. 来做调料, in a small bowl whisk together lime juice, 橄榄油, 红辣椒碎, 大蒜, 和蜂蜜. Dressing is best served at room temperature.
  2. Spread lettuce evenly across a large serving platter.
  3. Arrange beans, jicama, corn, bell pepper, and avocados side by side on top of lettuce.
  4. 用奶酪装饰.
  5. Cover and refrigerate until chilled, for at least 1 hour.
  6. 上桌前淋上调味汁.




* Due to coronavirus/COVID 19, many community offerings have been changed, postponed, or canceled.

Please call the number listed for the event to verify availability, dates, and times.

If you have questions regarding Coronavirus/COVID-19 please call 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634)或者,去 http://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html or http://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/.



Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP)




Tina Ellinger 419-624-1856

The Diabetes Empowerment Education Program [DEEP] is offered every Wednesday for six weeks. 良好的出勤率很重要. This free program is for diabetics, pre-diabetics, and spouses or caregivers of a diabetic.  Residents of Erie County, aged 60 or older, please call 419-624-1856 注册.

Diabetes Support Group – Firelands Regional Medical Center

The Diabetes Support Group presented by Jean Feick CNP, CDE, meets the third Wednesday of each month Sept–November and January-May from 12:00pm –1:00pm.  This meeting is free to the public and no registration is required. Attendees are welcome to purchase lunch in the hospital cafeteria and come to the adjacent Cafeteria Meeting #1.  A different topic will be reviewed each month. If you have questions, please contact the Diabetes Education Department at 419-557-6992.

必威betwat & 必威betwat检查 – offered by Firelands Regional Medical Center

You must Pre-register for all Lab Work at 419-557-7840.

桑达斯基的必威betwat & 必威betwat




















必威betwat & 必威betwat检查包括:

  • 全血细胞计数与代谢 & Lipid Panel (No Eating or Drinking for 12 Hours – Water Allowed – includes liver and kidney function studies, 空腹血糖, 甲状腺, 胆固醇, 高密度脂蛋白/低密度脂蛋白, and triglyceride levels along with a complete blood count.) – $45.
  • Hemoglobin A1C (A three-month report card on how well your blood sugars have been running. A test used to diagnose 糖尿病 and/or to evaluate how well your treatment plan is working.) – $25.
  • PSA(前列腺特异抗原)——30美元.
  • 维生素D——35美元.
  • 泰铢- 25美元


Please comply with the following COVID-19 precautions:

  • 戴口罩
  • Have your temperature taken upon arrival
  • 保持社交距离


  • Patients will not be allowed to enter until their scheduled time
  • 不接受预约者
  • Only the registered patient will be allowed to enter the screening unless the patient needs assistance from an accompanying person
  • We are unable to perform any additional physician-ordered tests not included in the list above.

必威betway中文版: Centralized Scheduling at 419-557-7840 to pre-register

The A1C test—also known as the hemoglobin A1C or HbA1c test—is a simple blood test that measures your average blood sugar levels over the past 3 months. It’s one of the commonly used tests to diagnose pre糖尿病 and 糖尿病, and is also the main test to help you and your health care team manage your 糖尿病. Higher A1C levels are linked to 糖尿病 complications, so reaching and maintaining your individual A1C goal is really important if you have 糖尿病.

Last quarter, 70% of our diabetic patients had an A1C of less than 9%. Talk with your provider to discuss the right options for you.